Wells Beach, Maine

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

by and - last updated on 7/20/2024

This part of the trip was for us to spend time with Dana Malcolm, another of Celeste's brothers and his partner. This area of Maine has a beautiful coastline and is far enough off the beaten path to where you only see people who live here, or a few who own vacation property here.

Wells Beach, Maine   Map

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

The seagulls are out early in the morning in Wells Beach, enjoying the beautiful sunrise and looking for a snack. Nobody was up and about at this hour of the morning, so a beach walk was enjoyable.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights
Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

Sitting on the deck, listening to the ocean talk to me! This is a very laid-back area, and the beach is so close to the house, that it makes the overall experience very relaxing. I would assume that one of the things that makes this area so laid-back is that this is not really a "public beach" and all of the houses are privately owned. The closest parking lots are over a mile away, so the visitation here is primarily home owners and their guests.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights
Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

Looking north along the beach, in the distance is the house where we are staying. This image was taken very early in the morning, so it is still a bit overcast. See how wide this beach is? This is low tide, but it gives you an idea of how large it is. This is a popular beach during the summer, and it does get crowded.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

The sun rises very early in Maine, but it certainly is beautiful. The first place in the United States to see each day's sunrise is in Maine click here to read a New England Today article about where the sun is first seen in Maine each day.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights
Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

All of us relaxing in the afternoon sun. From left to right are; Celeste's brother Chris, myself, Celeste's brother Dana and on the far right is Ron Cates. It was a beautiful day, and it felt great to be able to enjoy the sunshine on the beach.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

You never can tell what you will find on a Maine Beach; sea glass, sea weed, kelp, Lea's Spoon Clam, Greenland Cockle Shells, and various types of other shells, etc.

Maine Coastline Exploration - Discovering Natural Beauty and Coastal Delights

A better view of the rear of the house, very comfortable porch where the beach can be studied easily & comfortably.

  • Just Traveling Thru Travel Planning Tips
  • Google Search Results list for "accommodations in Wells Beach"
  • Google Search Results list for "places to eat in Wells Beach"
  • Our Image Gallery for Wells Beach
  • Wikipedia Article for Wells Beach
  • Google Image Gallery for Wells Beach
  • Visit our Youtube Channel
  • Google Reviews for Wells Beach, ME

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