Visiting City of Amboise

Exploring City of Amboise

by and - last updated on 5/3/2024

City of Amboise   Map

Amboise is adjacent to the widest stretch of the Loire River and it is a pleasant place to visit with a nice old town directly below the hilltop chateau. To add even more interest, Leonardo da Vinci retired and owned a home here (Château du Clos Lucé).

We rented a really nice "gate-house" cottage that was located on a vineyard. It provided us with our own private entrance & parking, completely modern interior and parking was right next to the cottage. Less than a 10 minute drive from Amboise, and the ratings and reviews on VRBO are excellent. If you are looking for a comfortable place for a couple to stay in, we would recommend this VRBO cottage to you.

Amboise was our stop # 3 on our Loire Valley adventure, primarily because it was to be our next "Base Camp", and secondly because there were a large number of chateux within a hundred kilometers of the village. Just across the Loire River lies Château de Chambord, a flamboyant masterpiece built by King Francis I. Within a short distance, is the majestic Château de Chenonceau, known as the "Ladies' Château," and the impressive Château de Villandry, famed for its stunning Renaissance gardens.

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 Parking in French villages can be a challenge, and Amboise is no exception. There are Payant Parking Lots alongside the river, and there is "curbside parking" throughout the city, but Amboise is a popular destination and these parking lots & curbs fillup early. You have to be patient and quick in order to get a parking spot! Be sure to read the Payant Machine instructions carefully and leave your receipt on your dashboard where the meter reader can see it.
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Some History of Amboise, France 

Amboise has had a wide range of history including; the Roman Legions (Julius Caesar and the Gaul Campaign), in fact, the majority of Julius Caesar's 10 year long Gaul Campaign took place east of Amboise between Bourges and Dijon. Vercingetorix surrendered to Caesar after the battle of Alesia (50 miles west of current day Dijon). The Merovingian Frankish ruler Clovis met with Alaric king of the Visigoths and signed a famous treaty in Amboise. Charlemagne's Carolingian Empire, the Capetian dynasty (987–1792), the House of Bourbon and the French Revolution.

For a complete list of who rules what & when, go to this Wikipedia Page for more details. The Chateau de Amboise has gone from Royal Residence to becoming a prison. Since 1840, the chateau has been a museum owned by the State.

Chateaux We Visited Near Amboise, France 

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There are quite a few chateaux within a one hour driving distance circle from Amboise, which makes it a perfect basecamp for you to stay at while visiting this part of the Loire Valley. Below you will find the set of chateaux that we decided to visit. Use the "Read More" button to go to that page to read about that chateaux.

Exploring City of Amboise

Château de Chenonceau, France

Château de Chenonceau France is such an unusual château that it attracted our attention during the research we undertook before our trip. The castle is built over the Cher River and is connected by two bridges. The main bridge is a double-decker bridge, with the ground floor used for horse-drawn carriages and the upper floor used for pedestrians. The second bridge is a single-decker bridge that was added in the 19th century. You can see the arches underneath the château; these are wide enough to allow boats to pass through.

Exploring City of Amboise

Château de Chambord, France

Château de Chambord stands out as the largest and most awe inspiring chateau!. Its sheer size overwhelmed us as we approached, its silhouette rising surrealistically above the surrounding trees. That initial glimpse of the Château remains indelibly etched in our memories. It evoked images of bygone days when guests would have been summoned for grand hunts, with men on horseback armed with bows, spears, and swords. We could almost hear the echoes of their triumphs, accompanied by lavish feasts and celebrations. The incredible size of the estate and the buildings is unforgettable.

Exploring City of Amboise

Chateau de Cheverny, France

Located in the village of Cheverny, and only 42 kilometers from our rental in Amboise; The current building was constructed between the late 16th and early 17th centuries, however, there had been a house there since at least 1315. The current building represents classical French architecture and offers visitors a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the French aristocracy.

Exploring City of Amboise

Chaumont-Sur-Loire, France

Located in the village of Azay-le-Rideau and 16 kilometers from our rental in Amboise; Built between 1518 and 1527 this château is considered one of the foremost examples of early French renaissance architecture. Set on an island in the middle of the Indre river, this picturesque château has become one of the most popular of the châteaux of the Loire valley.

NOTE: If you have been watching the TV mini-series 'Franklin' then you might be wondering if the person in the series named Jacques Donatien Le Ray Chaumont owned this chateau? The answer is yes, he purchased this chateau in 1750.

Exploring City of Amboise

Chateau Royal d'Amboise, France

Originally constructed in the 15th century, Château d'Amboise played a significant role in the French Renaissance and was a favored residence of several French kings, including Charles VIII and Louis XII. Its unique blend of Gothic and Renaissance architectural elements reflects the transition from the medieval to the modern era.

The first column below ("All Trip Destinations") lists all of our major trip destinations (for this trip) and the next four columns list each of our trip "basecamps" and then a list of what we explored from that basecamp. Each destination name is linked to it's page - so all you need to do is click that name.


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